Frequently Asked Questions


I’m new to this whole thing… Where should I start?

With any new endeavor, the journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. So, take that first step. Literally… go for a walk, schedule a consultation with Buckingham Fitness, look through the cookbooks that have been collecting dust for years, or reach out to a friend to ask them to be your accountability partner. Ultimately, the choice is yours on how fast or slow you want to go on this journey. If you want to go fast, I highly encourage hiring a coach. Not only will they keep you accountable, monitoring your progress, but they will also keep you safe. If you decide to begin on your own, please make sure you’re listening to your body and using proper form and technique during exercise. The Buckingham Fitness YouTube channel has a ton of exercises and guidance for you on what proper form should look, and feel, like.

Why not begin the 30-day Buckingham Fitness Challenge for free?!

I’ve been doing this for years… How can you help me?

Buckingham Fitness utilizes elite levels of training to take your speed, strength, power, and overall abilities to the next level. Thanks to the direct training received under Dr. Todd Buckingham, Dr. John Rusin, Dr. John Berardi, and Joseph Freeman, and indirect training from many more of the best in the industry (Cal Dietz, Dr. Ben Peterson, Dr. Bret Contreras, Clifton Harski, Paul J. Fabritz, Brad Schoenfeld, and many more) we have become better ourselves. We have been able to completely transform elite lifters, athletes, and many others through the powers of motor control, muscle activation & stabilization, and the untapped power of your own Central Nervous System.

We’ll take care of the science and application, you enjoy the newfound strength, activation, and results!

I know health & fitness are important for my health, but I don’t have the motivation to begin…
Can you help me?

You bet! Cardio isn’t for everyone. Neither is lifting. But science has proven time and again that both are incredibly important for the body, so where should you start? With a little bit of both! Buckingham Fitness put together a 30-Day FItness Challenge and we have a ton of information and resources on our Instagram, YouTube, and inside of the Buckingham Fitness Community over on Facebook! You don’t have to go to the gym for hours (in fact, 99% of the world shouldn’t do that!), but 30 minutes of exercise is great! So is 20! So is 10!

You’ll get more benefits working out for 10 minutes 6 days per week than you would working out for 60 minutes 1 day per week. Go at your own pace. Make it sustainable for you. And, if you ever need to schedule a consultation to chat for more insight you can do it here.

My Facebook friend said I should do “x”… should I?

Anytime we read something on the internet, we should be mindful of where the source of the information is coming from… As far as your friend, here are a couple things to ask yourself: are they qualified to be giving out information? Do they have my best interest at heart? Are they giving me articles to read by more qualified professionals so that I can better understand why they would be suggesting “x”? Is the information credible and backed by science & evidence, and not just something they believe or something that is being pushed by an agenda (looking at you “health” documentaries)?

Science has been saying a lot of the same things for years, but “new” information continues to come out as more and more data gets studied. Some information is valid while other “information” is skewed, manipulated, and pushing a product onto others. Just because a study worked one time, doesn’t mean it will work every time. That’s why similar concepts have been preached time and time again (i.e. eat your vegetables, exercise 150 minutes per week, practice relaxation techniques, etc.).

You can always schedule a 15-minute consultation with Buckingham Fitness to answer your questions! If I don’t know something or think you should speak with someone more qualified, I will gladly do so. Your health is what’s important.

Why should I train with Buckingham Fitness?

If you’re looking for a drill sergeant, then look elsewhere. I will push you to your next level, but if you’re injured, not feeling well, or simply having a mental health day, your overall safety and health will be the number one priority. There’s no sense in training super hard when you’re already hurting or struggling. Everybody is different and every body is different, that’s why specific programming and expert insight as a coach allows me to guide you to the best of my abilities and beyond anything you have experienced before.

What can I expect from training with Buckingham Fitness?

You will move, feel, look, & be stronger than ever. You will be more resilient, empowered, and able than ever.
And the best part? Your training with Buckingham Fitness will unlock new levels of confidence, talent, & determination without restrictive diets or unnecessary training methods. You have our promise. Your health & safety will always be our priority.

What are these Cookbooks? Do I need them?

If you’ve ever wondered “what can I eat that’s healthy?” then yes, you should definitely get the cookbooks. And even if you already know what’s healthy, but don’t know what ingredients to buy or how to meal plan or how to surprise your significant other with an amazing meal, well I would also encourage you to grab the cookbooks. Send us a direct email to to receive your sample cookbook!


Where are we located?

We are located inside of Gameday Fitness
in Atlanta, GA!

Visit Us

6889 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Unit O
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092

1-hr Session @ 6am (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
1-hr Session @ 7am (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
1-hr Session @ 8:00am (Tuesday & Thursday)
1-hr Session @ 10am (Monday, Tuesday, Friday)
1-hr Session @ 12pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

**evening group sessions will only be possible with 3 or more clients signed up to train
